
The AI Paradox: ChatGPT And Content Marketing

ChatGPT, the OpenAI chatbot is the newest obsession in the world. Its natural language processing and machine learning techniques are pushing the boundaries of AI and its probabilities. It, however, has its own set of risks and you may have already seen articles on the subject by experts and enthusiasts. The paradox of the title is particularly about ChatGPT’s ability to both enhance as well as commoditize human intelligence and creativity. We are still in the early stage though so this piece is more of a reflection on the AI paradox of ChatGPT and what it means for the future of content marketing. 

AI and its Awe-Inspiring Results!

Well, it will be hard to refute that AI has provided a major boost to the capabilities of creative professionals; particularly for marketers, the augmented capabilities of AI have worked wonders. From analyzing customer data and behaviour to providing valuable insights, professionals can create effective messaging and channel them properly to reach their target audience. Moreover, AI optimizes landing page design, content, and conversion rates.The compelling cases are the ones where the use of AI tools is aiding human creativity to deliver better work efficiently. It truly does help creators create works of sheer brilliance but we also cannot discount that it has serious cons. 

The Great Paradox of AI

The so-called paradox of artificial intelligence lies in the simple fact that AI both commoditizes as well as lends value to handmade or handwritten content. For a better understanding, let us consider a recent tweet by Paul Graham. Turning to history, Paul notices that once handmade items were no longer the “default”, people began to pay serious attention to them, making them precious and enhancing their qualities. The “consistent but mediocre” quality of machine-made content set the standard for what quality content should look and feel like.Human Touch is Irreplaceable!You can never completely replace the human quotient. In several areas like the ones mentioned below, a human brain will win no matter what the case:

1. Opinions, Emotions and Authenticity 

Humans are diverse and multifaceted and so are their works. Depending on the context and mood, a work by a human will have subtle nuances that AI simply cannot provide.

2. Understanding of the Context

 Content created by human beings will display a greater understanding of situations, circumstances and context and will accordingly vary. 

3. Creative and Quality Work

 Human work stems from personal experience, research, and knowledge. ChatGPT content will always lack the unique quality and creativity that a human brain is capable of.

4. Purpose

How many times since adolescence have we heard of the term? Well, human life and human work do have a purpose. In the case of content, it can be entertaining, informative, or persuasive. AI content, on the other hand, is mostly focused on volume and thus, can be purposeless and mediocre.

So What to do with ChatGPT?

ChatGPT, and AI in general, is a powerful tool. To leverage its powers correctly, consider working with digital marketing experts who can create a strategy to align its use with your goals and objectives. Given below are a few ways ChatGPT can help:

1. Generate ideas and thought flows

 You can use it to generate titles, outlines, and other content ideas and then use human resources and expand upon them.

2. SEO

 You can also use ChatGPT to get keyword ideas which can then be used in blogs and social media.

3. Subtitles and Captions

 Use ChatGPT to create subtitles and captions for your video and audio content. This makes your content easily accessible to your audience.

4. Copyediting

 AI can fine-tune the content by checking for grammatical errors and improving the quality.


With the introduction of new AI technology, fresh concerns about the threat it poses to human value raise heads. The human touch, however, cannot be discounted and thus, what you need will be the perfect plan to mix the two for sustainable results. Our team at We Love Digital Marketing knows this and is daily working towards giving businesses the best of both worlds! Contact us today for more details.Also Read: Why is Social Listening a thing now? 

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