
Content Marketing 101: Be Needed, Not Needy

Everyone in the marketing business badly, desperately wishes that their content is highly anticipated, valued and fondly cherished by the audience. But now there’s an excess of content and sadly, very little time so maybe most content fail to hit the mark. Does that mean the end of content marketing days is near? Well, of course not! People are still interested in stories and they still get hooked on ideas, don’t they? But there are ways to navigate this terrain of saturation and in the following paragraphs, we will take a look at how companies do this.

Hierarchy of Needs

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs has been around much before content marketing made its debut. It is a great framework, offering golden opportunities to brands looking to tap into their customers’ needs, goals, desires, and challenges. Let us take a look at how various aspects of this theory can be applied to content creation and marketing.

1. Physiological Needs

The physiological needs are at the most basic levels of Maslow’s hierarchy. These include the need to eat, sleep, drink, and breathe. So if you are a brand that sells products or services helping with these primal needs, then your content has to be adequately curated to reflect these. Think about crafting content that is educational and informative, helping people perform the most basic functions needed for a good life. As such, focus on providing solutions and not just selling your commodities.

2. Safety Needs

The next in line, safety is an issue that you can focus your content around. A lot of industries, particularly automotive and pharmaceutical ones, address issues like protection and faster recovery from injuries and diseases but safety remains underrepresented. Covid-19 has also shown that safety is of great significance and companies who address these issues find more readers and consumers. For example, Volvo’s “The Ultimate Safety Test” video not only addresses the safety issues of their vehicles but also focuses on the question of the environment and climate change. An entanglement of issues comes to the fore when talking about safety but in a world undergoing rapid changes, your consumers and users will most probably find it worthwhile. So create content that addresses human beings' need to protect themselves and one’s families from disasters sensitively and cleverly. The idea is not just to sell your product but also to fill a lack in people’s lives and improve the quality of life in the process.

3. Social Needs

Situated at the third level, this offers a broad spectrum of inspiration for content creation. The need to love and belong, to have fulfilling connections with friends and intimate sexual relationships are all a part of this and several brands use this to create a deep impact on an individual’s life.McDonald’s is a great example. It has always tapped into family values and its campaigns prioritize feelings of togetherness. More radical ones focus on sex and intimacy in a way that shows these primal bodily feelings in a new light, adding meaning and value to them.Thus, family, friendships, and intimacy are strong tools to create brand messaging with and engage with your target audience. All of this may sound very easy in theory but it is not! Creating and marketing content that will touch your audiences’ pulse needs years of training and almost ninja skills. We at We Love Digital Marketing are fortunate enough to have an ever-ready team of ninjas who are always brainstorming ideas so that your business can reach its target. To know more about how we create engaging content for various niches, contact us today!Also Read: Tips To Improve Content Marketing 

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