20th Mar 2024

What Is Email Marketing? And How Do You Do It Right?

One of the earliest digital communication methods is email, and its use has not diminished over time. It still has a larger user base than the most widely used social media sites, with over 4 billion people using email worldwide. When a brand or digital marketer receives that kind of traffic, Email Marketing becomes a vital tool in their toolbox.By using email to access consumers' private spaces—their inboxes—marketers and companies may engage with consumers more personally. Plus, with email marketing, you can take control of your relationship with customers and avoid being pushed around by algorithms.

What is Email Marketing

One kind of direct digital marketing strategy is email marketing, which uses emails to interact with target consumers for businesses. Sending out promotional or educational content is part of it. This marketing is commonly employed to generate leads or sales and to raise brand or product recognition.

Importance of Email Marketing

This marketing is one of the best methods for converting leads into sales, Reaching and engaging with your target audience with this marketing is a solid, dependable approach. The following advantages come with email marketing:
  • Customer insights at your fingertips

    You control the relationship your customers have with you when you use email marketing. It is entirely your responsibility to study and make inferences from the data produced by marketing emails. 
  • Increased durability

    Email addresses have a slightly sticky quality. Because people prefer to cling to their possessions for longer periods of time, it becomes simpler to connect with audiences even after a break.
  • Usability

    It's now simpler than ever to create and carry out an email marketing campaign. A multitude of templates and tools are available from the majority of this marketing service providers, making the process of creating, sharing, and insights quick and simple.

Why should you choose email marketing for your business in 2024

The visual content and information available to customers is overwhelming. Effectively capturing the attention of and communicating with audiences is becoming increasingly challenging for companies in this kind of climate. Email marketing comes into play here. Because of the following factors, 
  • Increasing brand recognition

    Email allows you to speak with recipients directly and establish a one-on-one relationship. Additionally, since people these days don't let just anybody into their inbox, being accepted immediately makes you appear like a well-curated or beloved company. 
  • Selling your goods and/or services

    This is a useful tool for introducing new goods, launching deals, and informing people about specials. Customers can be successfully informed about items and deals using email marketing, which can encourage them to make a purchase.
  • Developing client loyalty

    This marketing cultivates client loyalty at every level, from lead nurturing to conversion, initial integration and persistence. By making consumers feel like they belong, email marketing is a potent tool for creating a sense of community. 

How do you do Email Marketing right?

You need only two elements to get started.
  • Email marketing solutions

    The marketing solutions are specifically designed to send and distribute promotional emails to huge recipients at one time with ease and quickly.
  • An email contact list

    you should include all those recipient’s addresses who voluntarily chose to subscribe to receive email from your business.
After these two things, you need to execute email marketing campaigns.

Stage 1:  Set your marketing goals

You cannot rush simply to hit that send button on your email without having a proper goal as to why you are sending. You can take your time to establish the goals of sending emails. And why you want to do it, it is advised that it should be aligned with your company’s marketing goals.

Stage 2: select the mode of campaign you require

Based on your company’s marketing goals that you’ve set, you require to choose among many forms of email marketing. As follows;
  • Newsletter

    the newsletter is a part of your regular programming which consists of one topic of interest to your subscribers.
  • Offer

    if you are trying to attract your customers by giving huge offers on your business and you may need to inform them, hence ensure that you make a list of all those offer details and call to action. This will further lead to an increase in sales.
  • Announcement

    if you want your subscribers to be informed about recent updates on your new product, services or the addition of new features, all this can be made through email announcements. 
  • Event invitation

    if you are organising any event in your organisation and you want your audiences to be informed then event invitation is the right choice.

Stage 3: Create your first email campaign

After defining marketing goals and the mode of email now you need to choose whether to work on templates or create an email from scratch and design appealing emails with these techniques.
  • Use appealing images and visuals for better user engagement.
  • Customize your emails based on your subscribed audiences.
  • Write an email in such a way that it can be read easily.
  • Maintain a time frame to send your emails.

Stage 4: Measure your email marketing effectivity

For every business, its essential to know its performance hence taking feedback from your potential subscribers could benefit you further in designing emails effectively. Email marketing is an effective and affordable tool, that should be part of your marketing strategy. It offers great returns with minimal effort and cost. Contact We Love Digital Marketing in Kolkata to boost your business's visibility to your target audience effectively.