12th Feb 2024

User-Friendly Website Development: The Utmost Beginner’s Guide

As an SEO expert, it's helpful to have some basic understanding of website building. Why? Because knowing how websites are made can lay the groundwork for boosting your site and brand. In this guide, we'll cover the basics of website development and the different types out there. We'll also talk about HTML and explore how web development and SEO can team up for success. No matter, if you're way to start a new one or thinking about getting one, you're in the right place.We'll break down the basics of website development to give you a clear understanding. This will help you plan your website and set achievable goals. Our guide provides all the info you need to kickstart your website development journey.

What Is Website Development?

Web development involves building and looking after websites using tools like HTML, PHP, and JavaScript, along with platforms like WordPress and Wix. It's about the technical side of things, making sure websites work smoothly. This is different from web design, which focuses on how a website looks and feels.All you need to understand how web code functions can be useful, even if you're not a coding expert. Thanks to platforms like WordPress and Wix, even people without coding skills can create websites now. However, having some knowledge of web technologies is still handy. It helps troubleshoot issues and makes custom solutions when needed.Web development matters because it directly affects how well websites perform. Creating great online experiences can boost earnings for businesses and make users happy.

Web development falls into three main categories

Web development can be categorized into three main types. Each one plays a pivotal role in bringing life to a website, catering to different aspects of the user experience and functionality.

1. Front-end website development

Creating the user interface that visitors see and interact with on a website through their web browser is the essence of front-end web development. Anticipate your web browser as the window to the internet, and make sure that the window looks and functions just right.In simpler terms, it is often called client-centric development because it's about making sure the website works smoothly for anyone using a browser, whether they're on a computer, tablet, or phone.  And it's not just for people – things like screen readers and bots also rely on this part of the website to do their job properly.You'll need to get building blocks like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript that help bring websites to life, making them look good and work seamlessly for everyone who visits.

2. Back-end web development

As part of the back-end web development process, it takes care of elements that are not directly visible on the website. This includes the website host, server, and data collected on the website.Back-end web development includes the code that runs on the server, such as scripting lingo and web frameworks. It is also known as server-side development, as it encompasses what runs in the background on the server.It helps to manage the server, hosting the site, and handling the data it collects. This process uses languages like Python, Ruby, Java, and PHP to make sure the site functions properly for users.

3. Full Stack Website Development

To develop a web, a full-stack developer should have proficiency in both front and back-end programming. This process has a broad knowledge of programming languages, which enables them to excel in the entire website development process.The entire process of developing and maintaining a website is taken care of, resulting in a high-quality website. This approach enables developers to manage various aspects of website development, identify errors and offer solutions for them.

What are The Coding Languages Of Websites Used?

As we continue with the website development guide, need to understand the process of designing and developing a website using various programming languages. Different programming languages are used for different purposes. As mentioned earlier, different languages are implemented for frontend and backend development.

a). HTML

HTML, or HyperText Markup Language, is like the framework of a website. It helps to provide the website with its basic structure based on other elements, laying out the basic foundation for everything else to be built upon. 

b). CSS

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a programming language used in front-end web development to provide basic design and style, taking into account the visual representation of the website.

c). JavaScript

JavaScript is a front-end language that enables dynamic website behaviour and empowers website developers to control its behaviour.

d). Phyton 

It is an object-oriented programming language used in website development with the integration of advanced technologies to enhance the website elements.

e). PHP

Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) is a server-side program usually implemented for website back-end development. It allows for interactive elements that enhance user engagement.

f). Java

Java is a back-end programming language that provides a platform for running programs written in other languages on a website.

WLDM for Your Website Development

After discussing the meaning and basics of web development, all you need is a reliable partner to assist with the development process.WLDM is the perfect partner for your web development needs. Our experienced team is reliable and can provide you with tailored solutions based on your specific requirements.Moreover, with the help of our experienced team, you can receive expert opinions and authentic content development for your website as per your requirements. To learn more about our services, feel free to contact the expert team here at We Love Digital Marketing and get started with your website development today.

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