3 Aug 2019

Pay-per Click Advertising: An Overview

Advertising is the second oldest profession of Humankind. Throughout the millennia’s and centuries advertising industry has changed and adapted to any new medium that it has encountered such as Radio, Television and in recent history, The Internet. Internet Advertising has been a thing for as long as Internet has been around. Just like we pay to put up billboards and posters or we pay to buy newspaper and television ads similarly ads can be bought on the internet as well only difference between offline and online ads is that online ads become payable to the advertiser only when they have been clicked or engaged with by the user or the customer, which is why it is called Pay-per Click Advertising. This form of advertising makes it very easy for the advertiser as their cost for online advertising reduces drastically.

Just to provide a perspective on why this is good or it has the most reach. There are over 3.2 billion internet users around the world right now and posting an ad on the internet means to be visible to all 3.2 billion users at once without any barriers and extra cost while not having to pay an ungodly sum of money to reach that many people.

So, now that you are jaw dropped basically by the concept of it, Let us dive more in detail about Pay-per Click Advertising.

What is Pay-per Click Advertising?

Pay-per Click Advertising is a type of Internet advertising model where the advertiser has to pay a certain amount of money when the customer clicks or engages with the advertisement.

You encounter ads like this on a regular basis, suppose you search best car insurance on your choice of a search engine (Google, Bing) you will find that the first 2-3 or even 4 search results will have a green box on the left hand corner of it where it will be written Ad. These ads are visible to anyone who is searching for that keyword around the world. It can also be localized according to geographical locations from where the search is being conducted but nonetheless, these results show up on top of the Search Engine Result Pages and have the most chance of being engaged with making the advertiser generate leads and customer base.

The cost of PPC ads differs on the basis of how popular the search term might be. The more popular the search term meaning the more people search that particular search term the more the cost of buying an ad on that search term is more.

There are other types of PPC ads as well like, Banner ads that you see on websites. They also fall under PPC ads and are only payable when the user clicks on them.

Advantages of Pay-per Click Advertising

  • Highest Reach: Online ads today are reaching more people than any other advertising medium the viewership of Television is degrading, the readership of newspapers is degrading, and however, the number of active internet users is fast increasing with a number of 3.2 Billion people having access to the Internet. Online ads make it possible to reach all of them without facing language and geographical or cultural barriers and also make it possible to even market to a very specific group of individuals around the world if that is what you want.
  • Flexibility: Online ads make it possible to choose exactly who is being shown your advertisement, this makes you be able to select the most appropriate target audience for your service or product and spend your money wisely on your online advertising budget.
  • Cost-Effective: Cost-effectiveness of the advertising is a big plus on top of other benefits of PPC ads. PPC ads are only payable when they are being clicked on, in general idea anyone who is clicking on your advertising or is searching about something that you are providing would be automatically interested in your product and hence, this would help them to get business or expand their business bringing them new and more business customers and leads from the online platform.

How does Pay-per Click Advertising work?

PPC Ads are not just based on who pays more and who pays less. Just like the Search Engine crawls the web to find the most suitable and best results for your search similarly the ads are also displayed based around relevancy of the content of the advertiser and the search.

The Search Engine uses the keywords searched by the user and matches them with the content of the advertiser to check for a match which is why online advertising is done over something which is known as keyword auction. Different Keywords have different CPC and thus to bid on the keywords that are the most relevant to your website will ensure that your website is listed on the very top of the Search Engine Result Pages.

One thing to always remember is that in the world of Digital Marketing Content is always King.

This blog about Pay-per Click Advertising has definitely given you the knowledge and the idea about PPC Advertising its benefits and its functioning. This is one of the most happening advertising trends which it has been for some time and it will continue to work that way in the foreseeable future.

To understand and to unleash the full potential of your business in the online platform you will need professional guidance in the world of Digital Marketing and We Love Digital Marketing is here to help for that which is the Digital advertising agency in Kolkata, with hundreds of satisfied clients who have benefitted with their professional services, you will also be able to unlock the true potential of your business, online.