18th December, 2020

How Effective are CTAs for Conversion?

When you finish reading a blog or an article, or a video, you see a short text at the end, right? It is not a part of the blog, but a button that asks you to take an action. Well, this button is Call to Action or CTA, a very popular digital marketing jargon.
Why do you promote, create a digital strategy, and take other measures for your website? Because you want to achieve certain goals, right? Otherwise, what's the point of writing a long blog, or creating a video, or sending weekly newsletters?
You want people to take a desirable action after reading the blog or watching the video. This is where CTAs pay off.
Call to Actions helps you achieve your goals. CTAs play a huge role in achieving your marketing goals.
CTAs are used everywhere on the website, but you don't realise it. It is a very powerful tool in
attracting website visitors, subscribers, conversions, and in turn helping to boost sales.
CTAs can be in the form of text, or images. It is used on the landing page of a website, your email, blogs, and social media posts. Every time you see 'register now' 'download now' 'subscribe to our newsletter' 'sign up for free trial' you have seen a CTA button. Your readers need a push to do the things you want them to do and CTAs serve exactly that.

How CTA helps in conversion?

CTAs lure the visitor, potential customer, or lead to take an action. It can be in the form of downloading something, to call your business, subscribe to your blogs, buy a product, or share a post. You lead them on their move, and they do that. This is the first step.
The next step is when the visitor performs the action he is directed to another page. This page explains to the user what they are subscribing to or how they will benefit from the first step. They may be required to fill in their details. When this step is completed, a successful conversion takes place.
The third and final step involves one page popping up to thank the user, or they are required to leave feedback of their experience. The user now has access to the benefits he subscribed to, and you have a successful conversion.

How to write CTAs that result in conversion?

For successful conversion, your CTAs should be enticing to your visitors. If you fail to create an attractive CTA, you will fail to attract visitors. People won’t read your post, they won’t leave their comment, they won’t subscribe, and they won’t be your customer.
We have listed here a few important steps that will guide you in writing an effective CTA that will make customers flock to your websites.

  • Length of CTA – Your Call to Actions can be as long as you want them to be. But, they don’t need to be. Your CTAs should be concise. Don’t put unnecessary words and make them ridiculously long.
  • Focus on your objective – What action do you want your visitors to take? Focus on directness, avoid unnecessary distractions. Write only what is important.
  • Experiment with colour– Some people think using the colours red or orange in CTA buttons help people take prompt action. Let’s leave psychology aside. There’s no perfect colour for your CTA button. Use a colour that goes well with your page.
  • Place it logically– CTAs should easy to find. Don’t place them too frequently, also keep one action for each page. Don’t ask them to subscribe to a newsletter, comment on your blog, and buy your product and everything in the same post. Please don’t. It will confuse the customer and they will end up doing nothing.
  • Use first-person action words – CTAs should deliver people with a sense of urgency. Using first-person action words encourages people to perform the action they want to take. You can also include a timer in your CTA.

Remember, an effectively written CTA will help you achieve all your marketing goals. Don’t forget what your visitors want. You can place CTAs wherever you want your users to take an action.
Not having a CTA can be the worst idea for your business. Many businesses have seen successful results after including CTAs in their posts.
Bookmark this article because it can literally save a sinking business. These tips will convert your visitors into clients.
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