07th Mar 2023

Google Ads for Videos: Lesson 101

Launched just two years after the search engine in 2000, Google Ads is a pay-per-click (PPC) marketing strategy. Rebranded in 2018 as Google Ads, it is part of paid search advertising targeting digital consumers. The Google market has abundant potential leads but this same fact makes it extremely competitive. Keywords are also becoming costly, pushing up the price of marketing campaigns.  The question that automatically bothers businesses and marketers alike is what is the way to kill overspending while meeting the demands of an oversaturated market? The answer might lie in the Google ads for video feature which has ample potential for growth.

Understanding Google Ads for Video

YouTube video ads that are most commonly used are TrueView ads and come in three formats
  1. In-stream

These are ads that play during a YouTube video stream. Normally appearing at the beginning, middle or end, these allow the users to skip and continue with their video. In case the viewers do not see the whole 30 seconds of the video, you are not charged which is very unlike other PPC content. In certain countries like India, Malaysia, Mexico, or Singapore, non-skippable ads are paid for by impression.
  1. In-Search

These are linked to keywords and only pop up when the user searches for that keyword. You are only charged when the ad video is clicked. Though there is a lack of a safety net, these ads are much better at reaching the target audience.
  1. In-Display

Also known as Video discovery ads, these are ads that appear in the search results or the sidebar. Marked with an “ad” indicator, you’re charged when users click on them. As the viewers exercise their choice in seeing these ads, they are extremely precise. 

Linking Your Ads to Video

For a Google video ad campaign, it goes without saying that you need to have a Google and a YouTube account. Once you have linked the accounts, you can create a campaign and determine how much you will spend on it daily. There are certain specific conditions that you will need to specify such as 
  • Dates of launching and closing
  • Countries and language of streaming
  • The format of the ad (one of the three that we discussed before)
  • The bidding strategy
  • The schedule of appearance
This strategy also helps you target your audience by means of interests and demographics, gender and past interactions and other metrics that enable you to personalize your campaign.

Monitoring Your Ads

Now all that is left for you is to publish your ad and maintain it. To know how your ad campaign is faring or where it needs improvement, keep a track of the Ad metrics reports. 

6 Tips to Make Your Google Video Ad Campaign Successful

Now we come to the most important part of our discussion which is how to create a campaign that will drive engagement and bring results. Over the years, the 6 steps given here have been successful for big, small and medium brands. Here we take a closer look to understand them better.
  1. Make an Ad That People Would Like to See

Keeping in mind your target audience and their inclinations, design an ad that they would find hard to skip. Make it interactive or use humour to draw them in; the key is in making them forget that this is an advertisement.
  1. Include Real Customer Opinion

As per Trustpilot, 9 out of 10 customers look at customer feedback before making their next purchase. It is almost a second habit now to look at what other people are saying before trying a particular product or service ourselves. For many, a lack of reviews, good or bad, does not bode well. You can showcase real feedback from satisfied customers to establish trust and credibility with your audience, and increase the chances of them making a purchase.
  1. Keep the Message Simple, Short and Sweet

This comes in very handy if you’re running the ad in the middle of another video. In some ways, you are taking the attention of the audience away from what they had originally chosen to see so a simple and short message will actually help them stick to the end of your ad. 
  1. Do Thorough Research Before Writing

Study extensively to find out what kinds and formats of ads are working well in your niche. Doing social media polls or gathering intel via email also works. You will gain valuable input for creating a successful ad campaign.
  1. Seek Inspiration from Past Content

You may already have a treasure trove of blog posts and social media updates with positive feedback. Rather than starting from scratch, why not draw inspiration from this content and repurpose it into a video ad? This is a smart move that can pay off big time. By leveraging content that resonates with your audience, you can create a video ad that's more likely to engage and convert viewers. 
  1. Team Up With Professionals

Ultimately, success or failure boils down to how well you execute these tips and whether you are consistent. Our experience shows that this is where a lot of businesses with great potential falter. Digital marketing agencies, like ours, have dedicated teams and know how to execute the aforementioned points can save resources in the long run and provide a mighty boost to your business. To know more about outsourcing your digital marketing strategy, contact us today.

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