23rd May, 2021

5 Ways to Make Your Brand Stand Out

Social media marketing has become a great help in expanding the reach of your business. But, with hundreds of thousands of other competitors online, it’s important to make your brand leave a unique and noteworthy impression on the target audience. Let us discuss 5 Ways to Make Your Brand Stand Out

We come across loads of business owners who happen to manage social media accounts but are either inactive or don’t know what kind of post to make to receive interaction. To offer some help to make your social media marketing experience better – listed below are some of the tips and tricks to enhance your quality of interaction.

Brand Content Tips

There are tons of methods out there that can assist you in acquiring better engagement and new, dedicated customers. We have picked out a few easy and effective ways to do so;

Provide Necessary Details

Social media is accessible to all users of the internet, in fact,most people gain knowledge about various topics just by scrolling through their social media timelines. It’s because social media is a handy and quick-to-access platform that allows you to make updates within seconds. 5 Ways to Make Your Brand Stand Out

Sharing in-depth details about your services and products interests customers, as it allows them to easily learn about what it is that you have to offer. Video content, creative image content and regular fun and interactive status/story updates are a great way to attract a bigger crowd as well as keep your current customers tuned in.

Post Polls and Q&A’s

Getting to know your customers’ needs is the key to captivate a dedicated customer crowd. Their feedback helps in figuring out the things you need to work on to improve the quality of your service. Usually, posting interactive content allows you to point out followers/people that actively engage with your account. Of course, collecting your audience’s opinion doesn’t mean that you have to do exactly as they say, but it works as an inspiration for your future posts as well as determining beneficial marketing strategies.

Making polls or doing Q&As is also a very effective way to keep your customers entertained. If the audience is genuinely interested in your wit, they are more likely to stay for a longer period of time. You can make polls asking “Did you know” questions and then reveal the correct information in the next story.

Make Use of Popular Hashtags

Most of the time, when they see an interesting post on a platform, people go through the things mentioned in captions as well as the comments posted below the post. Oftentimes, they click on the accounts and hashtags tagged. When you use the latest and frequently searched hashtags in your posts, you are bound to expand your reach.

The most commonly used hashtag is #Repost, this is used when you repost another account’s original content or even posts that you are initially tagged in. Some other popular hashtags include – #PhotoOfTheDay, #TBT (Throwback Thursday), #FBF (Flashback Friday), #BTS (Behind The Scenes).

You can add as many appropriate hashtags as you wish, but make sure that they match the theme of your current to avoid backlash.

Share Customer Testimonials

Customer reviews assist potential customers with making up their minds and deciding whether or not to trust the source of service. Testimonials are provided by previous buyers/users of your services, they can be in any format; video, image, voiceovers, etc. This positive feedbacks help in expanding your growth and developing a trustworthy bond with your audience.

Sharing honest feedback and/or testimonials suggests that your business is reliable and popular among many. It helps people note that you have a positive record and they can, without any hesitation, invest in your service and products.

Hold Contests and Giveaways

Active users of social media adore contests and giveaways. Holding contests helps in gaining a remarkable amount of engagement, eventually leading to acquiring more followers. You can make a contest by asking your followers to name some of the positive things about what your business has to offer. Guide the participants to tag your account and make a specific hashtag so it’s easier for you to pick a winner as well as repost all of the favoring posts. The winner or winners can be rewarded with a discount code, a free sample product, or membership.

This brings us to the topic of giveaways. Giveaways play an incredible role in gaining big numbers of followers within a short period of time. You can conduct a giveaway by making rules such as asking the participants to follow your account, share your posts to their stories and tag 3 or more people in the comments. This will boost up your reach like no other!

Social media engagement entirely depends on the type of content you are creating and posting. Frequent interactions on your business page will, undoubtedly, improve your reach across the platform and potentially increase your sales. Walking hand-in-hand with emerging social media trends means that you are ready to go through thick and thin for your business. We are here to offer guidance and help start your business, work towards the growth of it and maintain its impact on the target audience.

Want to take your social media marketing experience to the next level? Reach out to us at welovedigitalmarketing.com for a helping hand to bring your strategy to efficiency and speed. Our services incorporate all of the necessary factors to help you garnish your business. We focus on all the various necessities required to make a business stand out from the rest and rank better in the Google search results. We Love Digital Marketing is a Kolkata-based internet marketing company, eager to be at your service!